Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
Plot: Lincoln Burrows is on death row for the murder of the vice president's brother. He insists he's innocent and only his brother Michael Scofield believes him. As an engineer who helped design the prison where Lincoln is being held, Michael takes drastic measures to help his brother. He gets himself arrested and sent to the same prison so that with his knowledge of the building the two of them can escape together. However, while inside, Michael discovers a massive conspiracy that is determined to see Lincoln's sentence carried out. Breaking out will be more difficult than he thought, but he's still going to try.
Season 3, Episode 1: Orientación
Original Air Date—17 September 2007
Michael is once again imprisoned, but now in SONA (Panama), together with T-Bag, Mahone and Bellick. The prison is solely rules by inmates, whose local prison-lord Lechero feels threatened by Scofield's 'fame'. Lincoln tries legal means to get Michael transferred, and gets a call from a relative. Both receive the same message, through different canals, presumably from Bill Kim's organization.
Season 3, Episode 2: Fire/Water
Original Air Date—24 September 2007
After Michael gets bad news from Linc, he sets out to find a prisoner named James Whistler, who holds the key to his freedom. That's easier said than done: James Whistler is hiding in Sona because there's a price on his head, and Lechero is not about to help Michael find him. In addition, both Mahone and Bellick want to get to Whistler too. Meanwhile, T-Bag won't allow a little humiliation stop him from insinuating himself into Lechero's good graces.
Season 3, Episode 3: Call Waiting
Original Air Date—1 October 2007
Lincoln tries to save LJ and Sara. But he can't. Meanwhile, Michael has a phone conversation with Sara. And Lincoln gets a call from Susan B. saying that she put something in the garage for him.
Season 3, Episode 4: Good Fences
Original Air Date—8 October 2007
Aftermath of Sara's death, Lincoln decides not to tell about it to Michael. Susan B. told Lincoln that if he does something wrong again, she's going to send pieces from LJ to him. Meanwhile, Sucre got a job in Sona. And Sofia starts to help Linc.
Season 3, Episode 5: Interference
Original Air Date—22 October 2007
A test with a rat proves the tower snipers are very good, so Michael figures breaking out with Whistler within 24 hours has to be at 3 PM, during a distracting soccer game. Sucre accepts $5,000 from a limousine man to smuggle a package into Sona. Linc is to arrange transport outside, but gets turned away roughly by an army patrol at two miles with Marisol in her car, then tells her Sara has already been killed, he keeps it from Michael as L.J. is his ultimate priority. New prisoner Andrew Tyge is robbed to his boxers at arrival, and warned off by Alexander Mahone after snooping around Michael and Whistler, who plan an electric signal disturbance device to distract the guard tower. Before they can make a move, a reflection from Michael's televisor is spotted: the troops move in and find it in his cell, he admits it's his; when the commander is about to shoot him, Whistler says it's his for birdwatching, and proves it showing the ornithology book Linc couldn't hold on to. Tyge identifies Whistler, who denies, as Macfaddyen, Nice 1997...
Season 3, Episode 6: Photo Finish
Original Air Date—5 November 2007
Tyge tells Michael he and 'Macfaddyen' where co-employees in a Nice hotel, Mahone worries he keeps observing Whistler. Having to re-plan hastily, Michael tells Linc to drug the second guard's coffee wherever he goes for lunch, and demands pictures of L.J. and Sara before he escapes. Malone refuses a term reduction to 8 years for testimony against Michael and Linc: now he faces life. Tyge is stabbed dead, Lechero questions Menudo 'McGrady' and has Whistler dragged away for confession. Michael believes Mahone and Beller's denials; T-bag offers Michael to use a ring he stole from Sami, his rival for Lechero's confidence, to frame him for Tyge's stabbing, but Michael finds the murder knife under Malone's bed and goes denounce Alex to Lechero, only he just walks out after accepting a 4 years deal with US Justice, Lechero administers justice his way... Linc and Marisol succeed in the drugging, but Susan finds out the brothers had a different timing planned, gets no recent pictures, Linc confesses Sara's death, Michael makes a drastic decision...
Season 3, Episode 7: Vamonos
Original Air Date—5 November 2007
Alexander Mahone is assured all he has to do is tell the truth, enjoying full immunity. Michael tells Whistler their row is part of a diversion, the escape is now or never, before the guard's coffee drug wears off. Just when the critical sun reflexion blinds the other tower guard, they must wait and hide till Sammy has passed, but get trough the cut bars. Lechero sees them climb down and back in -time ran out- but refuses to allow them to cancel their duel to the death in the courtyard, meant as a diversion fake announcement. Marisol draws a gun at Linc to prevent him turning over James Whistler to killers, he retorts that's condemning innocent L.J. to death. Guards wake the passed-out guard, see the climbing rope and move in, the colonel shoots a random prisoner 'for not telling' and exposes his deal with Lechero, questioning if he's the right man for the job. Hearing the Sona siren, Linc flees by car and lies he has the 'escapees' in the trunk when called by Susan, but an inside contact phones her: the roll-count was complete. Sucre stops her van by crashing into it, but even when Linc holds her at gun-point her accomplice won't trade L.J., he releases her and gets a short extension to find out what happened. Failing a hearing, Malone now believes Justice official Richard Sullins is setting him up to confess. Michael is dragged before Lechero, but not to be punished, he's ordered to take the fallen boss along when he and Whistler escape! Susan asks instructions from Whistler, he tells her -as Gretchen- to give the brothers four more days.
Season 3, Episode 8: Bang and Burn
Original Air Date—12 November 2007
Linc tell Michael they get 4 more days. Susan/ Gretchen is told by her big Company boss to end the case today; she tells James to take everybody out at 5PM but kill Schofield while a whole team prepares a Company operation. Sofia answers Whistler's phone from his landlord, there gets his papers; Susan turns up and tells her to leave. Lechero sends door key codes by T-bag, then joins Michael and Whistler (who brought a knife to kill Michael but dumps it) into a tunnel site, only fit to go up. Linc and Sucre rent a wood cabin. Michael begs McGrady to make his birthday-visiting old pa phone Linc "don't come home for dinner". Susan orders everyone who contacts Linc killed, while Sofia tells him James is a fake name and a dangerous man; the Company men fail, Linc shoots one who held Sofia at gun-point. Mahone testifies but sounds loony. The brothers realize the Company doesn't need them anymore, they'll come in for Whistler. Indeed, a helicopter come pick up Whistler by rope-ladder, Michael manages to grab his body but falls off and is lined-up with the other prisoners and singled out as trouble-maker, to be removed from Sona... After his poor performance, Malone is also sent back.
Season 3, Episode 9: Boxed In
Original Air Date—14 January 2008
After the helicopter failed to break out Whistler, Sona's new commander, Panamanian general Zavala, decides to make Michael talk by the murderous sun-exposed isolation hot-box, promises to help in exchange for the truth, verifies the L.J-situation and is told it's about Whistler, who already realized the tunnel is a no-go without engineer Schofield but denies blatantly to Zavala- and is torture-threatened till he admits collaborating with Michael, who convinces him next to tell Gretchen Morgen's name. Linc was meanwhile shown L.J., alive, as motivation. Malone is back in Sona, desperate without his drug. T-bag and other scum are mainly concerned with Lechero's expected succession and another bare-knuckle fight, won by Brad Bellick. Gretchen recruits Sucre as double spy, or triple for Linc; then Zavala arrest and tortures her, only Whistler's admission makes her admit L.J.'s kidnapping and lead them there, but manages to kill the general and escape. Michael and Whistler are returned to general population, Malone and Bagwel join the tunnel escape party. Sucré's mystery smuggle-employer now calls on Sammy to open the package- a gun.
Season 3, Episode 10: Dirt Nap
Original Air Date—21 January 2008
Sammy waves the gun and promises the scum mass a case of rum for Michael's head. T-bag convinces Brad Beller to challenge and eliminate Lechero's rivaling ex-lieutenant Sammy, using the acetone-trick he saw him cheat with in his first bare-knuckle fight, promising a place in the escape, but his acetone stash is empty. Linc and Sofia buy a bomb. Sammy abandons his winning fight against Beller when told scum has found Michael, who hides with Malone behind the combination door; Michael has to let Sammy in to save Whistler, but cleverly tricks him into burying himself in a tunnel collapse, alas thus compromising that escape route. Gretchen tells Sucré she is on to him and traced the check she paid him with which he transferred to her Chicago address, so now he's blackmailed by Gretchen for Maricruz's life. Sofia believes Whistler the Gary Miller fake identity is his plan for the two of them to live in France, Linc tells Michael who isn't surprised and has a new escape plan.
Season 3, Episode 11: Under & Out
Original Air Date—4 February 2008
The brothers agree Michael will dig the tunnel at triple speed, in 24 hours, and Lincoln arrange a tower guard-diversion. Then it rains: the tunnel will be exposed and even collapse irreparably: they must complete it that very night. McGrady insists to go with Michael, who insists even prison is better for him and his loved ones then a life on the run. Malone isn't tempted by Bellock's plan to deliver the others for trial back in the US, they try a concoction Michael invented to cover the tunnel tracks after the escape. By phone he instructs Sona laborer 'Jorge' Sucre to spy on the electric wiring. Sucre tells suspicious Susan/Gretchen just the truth, she makes Linc hold the phone for Whistler to hear her burning Sophia as threat the coordinates must be finished that evening; Whistler tells Michael he now has the coordinates and will hand them over, refusing to buy time by offering fakes first, but when Susan turns up arrogantly at the visiting gate, Whistler tears the coordinates in two, half now, the other only after proof Sofia, L.J. and both brothers are safe. Now Michael offers McGrady a phone call and an escape spot; after ordering Linc to interrupt the power Michael tells the escapees they only have 30 seconds before the generator kicks in, the scum decides then Michael and Whistler are last to run. Ficticous 'Jorge Rivera' is arrested for real, being wanted by Panamanian justice.
Season 3, Episode 12: Hell or High Water
Original Air Date—11 February 2008
Michael counted on the scum going first: they three get caught, Lechero is shot. Handcuffed, Sucre can't even answer his phone for Linc, who gets desperate. Coward Bellock accepts on the spot to show general Mestas's men the tunnel, Michael waits till they're already past one door to crawl out of the tunnel with his party which gets trough the fence into the jungle, pursued closely. Whistler hurts his ankle but they reach Linc on the beach and dig up diving gear; Whistler panics: he lost the bird-book with the coordinates but Captain Soco's men are too close to wait another minute to swim to the nearest buoy; Sucre can't bring a boat from custody, waiting for administrative processing, the soldiers find their buried footwear, the coastguard the refugees? No, Luis "McGrady"'s father guessed Sucre's vital part and steered the speedboat. The scum are beaten but T-bag accidentally finds and keeps the bird-book. Susan and her men catch up by sports-cars after the brothers and Whistler docked and boarded a van leaving Luis to his dad, Michael realizes it's the stopwatch she gave Whistler, Linc stops at a cabin and cleverly gets them out by the back in a regular car. Sucre was released as irrelevant while T-bag is clobbered, but facing balls-electrocution he points at Sucre 'He knows, I don't!'. Linc sets up an exchange, but while they wait for L.J., Whistler sees Linc pulling his gun at Malone, who announced leaving, and makes a run for it himself, he and Malone get away...
Season 3, Episode 13: The Art of the Deal
Original Air Date—18 February 2008
The brothers chase Whistler by car, then on foot, and catch him just after he called Susan. Michael changes the exchange site to the very public Plaza de Francia, no- after seeing LJ, he says that was a test, final instructions will follow: the museum of antiquities, with metal detectors; when Sofia learns there are no coordinates, she deserts Whistler; Michael avoids Susan's exit guards by triggering the burglary alarm, her men still open fire and hit Sofia. Sucre doesn't talk despite bad beatings and digging 'his own grave'. T-bag saves Lechero from other scum while Sona is in total chaos, then demands $50,000 to bribe the new commanding colonel, a scam before smothering him and distributing the money among the cheering prisoners in the name of equality. McGrady is lucky not to be found by a police road-block in his dad's car, the family holds a fiesta. Malone ran alone, and meets up with- Whistler and Susan. Michael follows Sofia's message via LJ to get files on Jason Fields in her apartment....
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